Monday, December 18, 2006


When an idea is talked about ad-infinitum, does the passion fizzle out?

Does it become mechanical?

Then does that passion still remain at heart and just does not come out in repeated projections?

Or does it go away all-together because of long protracted ‘talking about’ the idea?

If it is so it is dangerous… or is it?

If it is then what should be done to rekindle the passion?

Or should we?

PS: Written in the middle of a client meeting on 13/12. Just found myself wanting answers to all these questions listening to all of us sitting round the table and discussing a project..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Talking about an idea certainly kills the passion. Passionate person never talks. He rather acts. He might discuss the idea but he never talks about it. And in the process he realizes whether the idea is going to work or not.
The skill develops over the years. Though consistency is a virtue of a donkey, it helps to develop the skill. And because of the skill, one becomes a good craftsman and then the possibility of success of any idea becomes more.

Passion never exits for an idea. It exits for the form of expression the person uses to express the idea, which in turn helps a person to be passionate about a particular idea.

There is a beautiful incident from Van Gogh’s life-

Van Gogh used to go to a painter called May for the guidance. Van asked May ‘How do you work…I mean…when do you work? ‘
May said ‘Well I start working and I get bored and I take a break. In the break I start working and my boredom goes away and I start working again.’

So if a person is Passionate about his work then even if he might lose interest in a particular idea and wants to regenerate the same kind of excitement about it when it came for the first time, the only solution is to start Executing that idea all over again. And once the work starts on that idea, then the same FEEL visits back for which the person had liked the idea in the first place. Once that FEEL comes back, passion for that particular idea rekindles.

Take care…tata…kedar…

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