Friday, March 23, 2007


I know these things happen all the time...
Know so many who willingly do it...
And they are not bad people...
Neither parties...
I never thought I would be scandalised...
But I am.
I am 'cos I was made an offer to be a part of such a transaction...
I am not trying to take moral calls here...
But I could not entertain the thought at all...
Am I a fool? Naive? Or plain stupid?
Because I don't quite feel morally high here!


Unknown said...

psychoactive drugs are dangerous for physical body...

even smoking or excessive drinking for that matter...

but psychoactive is BAD!

the very attraction of it in today's young generation is because they have a lot of money which they dont know how to spend.
even though this generation is taught to be intelligent, it is not taught to be WISE.
No money is the ideal and once one has it, then what to do?
work hard, party harder...! end is sadness, loneliness, alienation! escape route- addictions!

on much deeper levels psychoactive gives a glimpse of the eternity...the trance it creates remains till the drug is active...but one feels light, all the worries fade away, future and past dissolve into present and a feel of bliss fill one's nerves...

but its just a glimpse...once one goes deep in mediation, the bliss is no more a feeling... one becomes BLISS...

so morally feeling right or wrong depends on one's conditioning...but bottom line is PSYCHOACTIVE is a threat to the well being of the society...

and if one feels its a question of morals and moves away from it...there is no problem in that...

the trance of Mira is much more deep and beautiful than a road side junky!

bam bam bhole...!!! :)

take care...tata...kedar...

Ketaki said...


~ The Adventurist ~ said...

hey hey hey......we are what we are because we are affected by those sweetheart. as you were. don't be hard on yourself.

imagine..a really bad traffic situation..something each of us face every single day....we are literally fighting for every inch of space we can move our cars onto; we do mean little tricks to make sure we get to go first..glare at the other drivers, mouth expletives, honk wildly, thrust the car at odd angles...all this to... get ahead. For those few minutes we turn into monsters, each of us, for that petty instant graticiation of having beaten fellow commuters by inches.

now tell me..does that make me or you bad? if there is an accident during that very situation i have no iota of a doubt that we will rush to help. so take it with a pinch of salt and leave it. easier said than done i know..but LIFE!!...just my two pence. :)

Ads said...

Kedar: No I am not on Psychoactives and I am not particularly curous about experiancing that blissss!

Ketaki: Really!

X: Love you! You are an angel!!!

Unknown said...


well it was just a comment to your blog entry...

i am a regular smoker and i know the bad effects of it...

i have tasted psychoactive and i know the effects of that...once!

so the point i put forward was the difference between the trance of meditation and trance of drugs...

the trance of Mira is out of awareness and trance of drugs is out of ignorance.

trance of drugs would never give any one BLISS... at the most it will make one happy for few moments...but thats it...!

and i did say in my comment that there is no need to feel its a question of morals... what is bad is bad!...

i am totally against psychoactive drugs and i did say so in my earlier comment...


Awareness if what i was pointing out at!

take care...tata...kedar...

Ads said...

Kedar: I realized that!! Its just the perspective that you brought in with the word 'moral' was sooo radically different(from what I was referring to!!) that I couldn't help but kid it!!!

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